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My Favorite Day

My favorite day at school is Wednesday. I (31)____ on Wednesdays. We study about plants and animals. Once a month, we get to go to the (32)_____. There are some rules to follow there. Most important one is we must enter and leave the room (33)_____, so we don’t break any glass or equipment there. We must follow the teacher’s (34)_____ at all time. We also must wear a special white (35)____.

Wednesday is also exciting for me because I have a basketball practice after school.  We practice in the basketball court. Coach Trudy is very strict. We mustn’t come (36)____ and we must always say (37)____ during practice. When it’s (38) ____, we practice in the school gym. The forecast says it’s going to be (39)____ this Wednesday, so I must bring my (40)____ to protect my head from the sun. How’s the weather there? Tell me about it.

Adi Nugroho

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