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Showing posts from May, 2005

Asma, Berenang Paling Baik

Digunting dari: CyberMED Sesak napas bisa mengakibatkan kerja otot-otot saluran napas tidak seimbang satu sama lain. Untuk menguatkan dan menyeimbangkannya, pengidap asma disarankan untuk berolahraga. Dr. Fachrial Harahap. Sp.S, perumus metode dan gerakan Senam Asma Indonesia menyatakan, olahraga yang cocok bagi penderita asma adalah senam asma dan berenang, terutama di air yang hangat. Hal ini mampu mencegah saluran napas menjadi kering dan teriritasi. Kelembaban udara di atas permukaan air umumnya cukup tinggi, mencapai 94 persen, sehingga bisa mencegah penguapan (water loss) dari paru-paru. Berenang, menurut Fachrial, adalah kombinasi dari olahraga cepat yang butuh energi tinggi dan olahraga ketahanan yang butuh energi rendah. Posisi tubuh saat berenang memungkinkan beban sirkulasi paru berkurang. Tekanan di dalama air dapat mengontrol irama pernapasan. Misty Hyman, perenang asal Phoenix, Amerika Serikat, yang meraih medali emas dalam Olimpiade Sydney 2000 adalah pengidap asma. Jog...

Motion Sickness

Digunting dari: Parentcenter What causes motion sickness? The problem begins when your brain receives different messages from your eyes and the rest of your body about whether you're in motion. For example, if you're reading a book while in a moving car, your eyes are sending one signal to the brain — that you're still. But because your body can feel that you're in motion, it sends the opposite message. The result is disorientation in the inner ear, which causes you to feel nauseated. The same thing can happen on a plane during turbulence or on a boat riding the ocean swells. Your eyes tell you that you're still, while your body can feel the motion of the plane or boat. That's why you may be told not to stay in the cabin of the boat, but to go outside and watch the horizon — that way your eyes will see the motion that your body can feel. Children seem to be a lot more prone to motion sickness than adults. Is that true? Not necessarily. Children don't get mo...

Aduh, Bu! Jangan Depresi

Digunting dari: Majalah Ayahbunda Perilaku anti-sosial pada anak cenderung meningkat. Terutama gara-gara ibunya mengalami depresi. Gawat, nih! Fenomena yang patut diwaspadai ini dilaporkan dalam Archives of General Psychiatry edisi Februari 2005. Riset dilakukan tim peneliti pimpinan Julia Kim-Cohem, Ph.D., dari King's College London, Inggris, terhadap 1.116 pasangan anak kembar di wilayah England dan Wales. Perilaku anti-sosial tersebut antara lain, kebiasaan berbohong, mencuri, dan agresif secara fisik terhadap orang lain, baik teman sebaya maupun orang dewasa. Kehilangan Contoh Sikap Dalam artikel Mother's Depression Tied to Child's Behaviour Problems yang dimuat Reuters Health, Februari 2005, disebutkan depresi yang dialami ibu, dapat memicu timbulnya masalah perilaku yang serius pada dirinya sendiri maupun anak-anaknya. Depresi ini akan mengganggu fungsi dan peran alami atau sifat nature dari seorang ibu, yakni mengasuh dan memelihara (nurture) anak-anaknya. Akibatnya...

Mimisan (Nosebleed)

Digunting dari: Parentcenter How do I stop a nosebleed? First have your child sit or stand up to reduce the blood pressure in the veins of the nose so that bleeding slows. Then have him lean forward and spit out any blood. Gently pinch the nose shut near the tip with a tissue or clean washcloth. Remind your child to breathe through his mouth and to continue to lean forward, spitting out any blood that has accumulated in his mouth. Apply gentle but constant pressure for a full 10 minutes. If your child seems scared or worried, reassure him that there's no danger. If the bleeding continues longer than 15 minutes despite your having followed these steps, call your child's doctor. Two important tips: 1. Don't tilt your child's head back; that allows blood to flow down the throat, which could make him vomit. 2. And don't pack the nose with cotton after a nosebleed; bleeding can resume when you remove the cotton later and disrupt any clots that have formed. Are frequent ...